G4 ANC3+AOTS lands in Muscle Park ©Muscle Park
I will not into my rant on the ludicrousy of the Challenge part of "American Ninja Challenge" 3.. I mean.. it was a popularity contest.. and we have hosts to a show that's not even affiliated with Ninja Warrior.. but I digress.. ANC3 went to Muscle Park this week.. that said.. the incoming bablefish disaster was well worth it .. check it out..
Lee came six white MYUENBAGU Brian Orozco, who has・Mark Witmer, who has Lucy and Romberg, Ninja Warrior's MC Kevin Mann, who has olivanic PERERA
Need I say more? There is a God and he loves me :D
Second.. Yesterday and today was the first ever Sasuke Festival! Whoot baby! There are a bunch of blogs already on this and it hasn't even finished! Can't wait to see what Ube finds in the next couple days! Anywho.. first up.. is Muscle Park's Blog on the Festival. They have pictures of the course and the 2 pictures of All-Stars that went.. I can only assume it was Saturday since the taping was Sunday for Sasuke 21.

Toshihiro Takeda participating in the Sasuke Festival - Weekend of September 6-7, 2008 ©Muscle Park
Shingo Yamamoto participating in the Sasuke Festival - Weekend of September 6-7, 2008 ©Muscle Park
Second were a couple blogs.. One blog had a video of a guy timing out on the propellors and more picture of the course. Then there's YouTube.. and the first video found of someone totally wiping out at the Jump Hang.. u.. and a second YouTube video.. again... wiping out at the Jump Hang.. u.. Then the last blog had a series of photos of all the obstacles and a little video clip of him totally wiping out in the Jump Hang..u... It also had the picture of the T'Shirt I want.. Okay.. that's really clever.. and I think it's uber cute! I particularly enjoy the guy falling off the Shin-Cliffhanger.. I mean.. That's just GENIOUS... I want one....
Oooooooooh I want this T'shirt! Official Sasuke Festival 2008 T'shirt ©Japanese Blog (sorry don't know what his name is)
Anywho.. That's going on the same weekend we are back to watching the FINAL FINAL week of Sasuke Maniac Qualifying.. I mean dangit.. there are 4 guys left.. could they POSSIBLY milk it for another week? this makes it.. er.. Week.. 7? Oy.. wow TBS knows how to make these last LMAO! I still want to see Nagano at the beach.. but I digress... Anywho.. time to check what Bablefish disaster awaits us this week! Okay.. on the TBS TV Page.. the small description had this... Qualifying tournament, the largest in the history buff, he finally complete! Miss the final scene of a shock! LOL okay.. now for the big paragraph in the main Sasuke Maniac page... SASUKE held in the holy land of the biggest qualifying, "summer 2008 trial, he" has finally been settled completely! The remaining four seats, he said a spot! Battle interested in the contest, Steel Magic Castle open the way for whoever it is? SASUKE finally gain a berth in the eight man! The more information is released just before the tournament 21 times! That man who is determined to go to war! Physical ability is clearly unspeakable! Well dang.. I can't talk about it? LMAO

My heart is pumping! They start with Yoshiyuki Okuyama's fall from the Stick Slider from Sasuke 20 - this is the opening of Sasuke Maniac for this week!
Okay we officially hit Sasuke Maniac mode! Oh one note.. I had to use LiveStation today and updated my technical blog. (Updated this week with how to record from Live Station!) Apparently TVU decided to take a vacation 5 minutes or 10 minutes before Sasuke Maniac started... For those who forget how these programs work.. someone has to stream it.. so if that person decides to go to sleep early or something.. and turns off their computer.. well.. yeah you get it now... My heart goes out to those who were watching TVU! KeyHole was up the whole time and these are the screenshots from that.

Because you know I have to get Makoto Nagano in here somehow.. mwahahahhaha ehem.. It's Nagano doing the Spider walk portion of the Jumping..u Spidah from Sasuke 20 - this is the opening of Sasuke Maniac for this week!
Well first off they showed clips from Sasuke 20 to get our juices flowing.. then showed a synopsis of the guys that made it so far (cue dramatic music) and showed the last 4 guys to take on the gauntlet! Okay here we go!!!!!!!
The elusive Final Stage.. (post Sasuke 17) from the Sasuke 20 broadcast.. - this is the opening of Sasuke Maniac for this week!
Okay we start off by reviewing the last couple guys in last place... (top 8 times go to Sasuke 21 folks!) Last week we told you the story of Kanou Takaaki who did well.. but ended up crossing the line.. in 8th.. place...
Kanou Takaaki can't bear to watch as the 4th from last person steps up to try to bump him off the spot..
Katsuyoshi From Week 2
Next is the Katsuyoshi who was part of the All-Teacher group back in Week 2 He looks ridiculously nervous as it's down to the wire and he needs some serious speed...

Katsuyoshi dives into Midoriyama's Septic Sludge... he lost his grip on the changeover to the second rope!
Notice now the color change on the top 8 times.. Light Blue is for Guaranteed Spots to Sasuke 21. As the rest of the day rolls on.. the white spaces will turn blue. For now.. Kanou Takaaki is spared being eliminated but that also means we have one more guaranteed Qualifier! Drum roll Please!

Murakami (L) is congratulated by Hashimoto Koji (R) on being the next Qualifier

Murakami the hair dresser is officially our fifth Qualifier to Sasuke 21!
Okay.. we don't have to do the musical chairs bit again but now all eyes are back on the last 3 chairs...

Murakami (L) is qualified but Hashimoto Koji (R) is watching closely to see if he makes it

Hashimoto Koji is praying that the next person screws up or something... He's really really nervous

Haiyuu Kobayashi Hirotsugu (I think I have one too many names here...) From Week 2 is showing off his moves in .. a movie? Looks like he's some action star..

Kobayashi from Week 2 is getting ready to try to qualify..

Looks like the Sasuke Park All-Stars are looking on intently!

Oh Kobayashi better hurry up.. his split time is already bad.. and he hasn't gone up the hill yet!

Oh no! Kobayashi crosses the finishline.. but way out of 8th place!

Hashimoto Koji is elated! He's in!

Hashimoto Koji (R) is congratulated by the other guys who made it to Sasuke 21

Hashimoto Koji (they say "Sports Instructor" but he's really a Personal Trainer) is officially our sixth Qualifier to Sasuke 21!
All eyes again on the last 2 spots.. right now currently occupied by Kubota Takayuki (in 7th) and Kanou Takaaki (in 8th).. will any of them be bumped off by 2 new people.. will they split up.. will both of them make it?

Kubota Takayuki (in 7th) and Kanou Takaaki (in 8th) are really nervous now... 2 more guys to go... 2 spots left for Sasuke 21..
What is next.. I can't even make up.. First off.. the hype behind this poor guy is obscene.. Mr. (assassin) Miyagi from Week 2 is FINALLY up for his turn.. Okay.. the part I can't make up.. First and foremost.. everyone by now should know how Ube and I make fun of Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada's prolific use of Sasuke Spray.. so much so that Ube back in April came up with an ingenious fake commercial for SASUKE SPRAY. I mean.. it's been renamed in Mr. SASUKE'S honor.. infamous as it is.. So.. now that we have that taken care of. check out the next set of pics...

You have GOT to be kidding.. Mr. (assassin) Miyagi getting down on the starting mat.. to have.. his feet.. sprayed.. I can't make this stuff up folks.. I just can't.. Ube's head is going to implode after seeing this.. At least we didn't have another Yamada crying picture.. I think Ube would have suicided if he saw that on top of this..

Watching Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada's devotion to SASUKE SPRAY ... my husband came up with a great line... "Mr. SASUKE went into his private reserve to crack out the Vintage SASUKE SPRAY for his star pupil".. (that's a cigar reference.. if you don't get it) LOL Even hubby knows this joke.. Seriously.. Mr. SASUKE needs therapy..

Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada still hosing down the sneakers of Mr. (assassin) Miyagi .. omg.. this guy better not lose.. (though I know the spoilers.. we've seen them for FOUR WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!)

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi apparently is a furniture mover (yes.. another fluff piece)

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi pumping iron on Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada's Salmon ladder off the "L"... (fluff piece)

Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada is.. faster than Mr. (assassin) Miyagi? Nah.. TBS was being uber nice.. :p (Fluff piece)

Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada showing his support of Mr. (assassin) Miyagi
Okay we finally see this kid run.. Good Lord be better beat everyone else.. the hype is unbelieveable!

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi doing one last pose (nah he was actually quite calm in the beginning) before his run into the history books.. yeah yeah.. let's get on with it!

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi flying up the wall.. Uhmm he's just ahead of the fastest time! So far so good!

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi celebrates and he OBLITERATES the course! (See Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada's congratulating him RIGHT at the end.. okay.. he's pissing me off again.. I'm starting to like him again.. Ube.. HELP!)

Kawaguchi Tomohiro: "HOLY FRIGGIN' CRAP!!!!!! He's UNDER 45 seconds??? You have GOT to be yanking my chain..." (as he checks out Mr. (assassin) Miyagi's time.. almost 2 full seconds ahead of his best time!)

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi (R) looking sheepish as a beaming Mr. (Rampaging Maniac) SASUKE Katsumi Yamada looks on like a proud peacock.. I mean.. he's just.. oh nvm... :P Congrats Miyagi!

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi is officially our seventh Qualifier to Sasuke 21!

Mr. (assassin) Miyagi taking his place on the top of the line to Sasuke 21! Everyone moves down one spot.. which means.. Kanou Takaaki is officially out!

Fujimoto Masashi the American Football player from Week 2 is last to go!

But before we get to his last run... BUY BONES!!!!!!!!!!!! (Why is it that I saw this when Sasuke 20 was going.. must be a season thing.. LOL

And while you are at it.. get the Sasuke 21 edition of the SASUKE Cell phone game! Whoot hello Toshihiro Takeda LOL

Fark! Fujimoto Masashi makes a HUGE splash.. it happened so fast.. did he not have the height for the Jumping Ring thing?

Hashimoto Koji immediately congratulates Kubota Takayuki on being the last qualifier to Sasuke 21

Let's see that again.. Doh.. Fujimoto Masashi totally missed the entire trampoline.. even with his height.. no way he was going to grab that ring... Dangit.. and he was cute :D Sowwy Fujimoto!!

Kubota Takayuki is officially our eighth Qualifier to Sasuke 21!
Finally! TBS finally showed the final! LMAO... Okay.. so they have this long introduction with just abotu everyone that was left (and of course the final 8 who made it) where they get presented with a special certificate.. (herein after known as "Golden Ticket".. trust me on this..)

Asa Kazuma showing off his golden ticket! TBS MC's for the Sasuke Trials award the 8 Golden tickets to Sasuke 21
Okay.. I don't know why.. but I see Asa Kazuma doing a neat Lil Jon impression (specifically the parody that Dave Chappelle made famous.. LMAO)... "YEEEEEAAASSS.. OOOOOOKAY.... Let's go to Midoriyama and kick all flavors of Booooootaaaaaay!!!!!
Sasuke Trial Golden Eight! TOTALLY REPRESENTIN'!!!!
Now comes the fun part :) We still have a few minutes left.. and I see a door.. first I think DAGNABIT.. no Nagano on the beach.. (haters..).. but then I am pleasantly surprised to see what's on the other side.. G4.. take.. note... morons..

Mystery apartment door.. Who's behind it?

Ida Koji's fluff piece! Could this mean?? His time was 1:05:68 in Week 4

Ida Koji's family in shock.. he's presented with a Golden Ticket to Sasuke 21! His family (and of course him) are in utter shock!

TBS's Golden Ticket to Sasuke 21

Ida Koji's still in amazement reading every word of the Golden Ticket while his family is celebrating!

Yamanaka Katsuo's son fluff piece (his qualifying attempt back in August 2006 for Sasuke 17)

Yamanaka Katsuo delighted to hear HE has a golden ticket!

Yamanaka Katsuo before his run at the Sasuke Trials (he fell in Week 5)

Absolutely gorgeous picture of Yamanaka Katsuo and his Grandson who's really excited!

Mystery Door number 3! Who's behind this?

Crap.. it's Craftsboy.. that means I DO have to know his name.. Dangit.. where's Ube..

Craftsboy and expectant wife are in shock as they find out HE has a Golden Ticket!
Craftsboy and wife are in awe of the Golden ticket! He's practically speechless!
Craftsboy makes it! oh btw in Week 4 his time was 51:49
BUY BONES!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy Bones.. they had 2 commercials during this show.. BUY BONES!!
Now comes the Grand Finale! They show who else is coming to Sasuke 21! Drum Roll Please!!!!! (Crap going to need some help from Ube soon....)

Sato Hiromichi - TV host

Wakky - Comedian and former Sportsman #1 Winner

Pretty dude.. I have no idea who he is.. (ETA: Takahashi Mitsuomi - he's Satoru Akashi or Bouken Red from Super Sentai (or Power Rangers to me :p )

Kenjiro Ishimaru (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ehemm - TV host

Masaki Nomura (though I did know he was coming since he posted in his blog)
Imaoka Boxing Gym located in Shibuya, Tokyo

Hiroshi Yamamoto, of the comedy team Robert (ロバート) and also from from Imaoka Boxing Gym

Dante, a boxer from Imaoka Boxing Gym and former Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 show competitor

Dante: I will pwn you..... (credits roll)..
Oh! We have our first TBS Commercial for Sasuke 21!! (all clips from Sasuke 20)

What.. you think I was going to show everyone else? That's just CRAZY.. Mwahhahah Makoto Nagano.. mmmmmmm :) Happy thoughts!
Also updated the last blog - So excited for Sasuke 21
I forgot to tell you earlier, Haiyuu means actor in Japanese. The announcer just likes to say people's jobs as part of their names.
The guy after Takahashi Mitsuomi is Passion Yara, another comedian and Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 competitor.
After Nomura is Hiroshi Yamamoto, of the comedy team Robert (ロバート). He's been trying to get his pro boxing license for the past year or so.
The last guy is Dante. He does commercials for Softbank mobile phone and also started his connection to Monster 9 via the Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 show.
A thing that I have been wondering... since they made a law saying how fat a person can be... does that mean the most famous gut in Japan will no longer be so... so... awesome?
I almost died when the kid from Yamada posted the fastest time. I was gulping air and almost fell over in shock. My words immedately was.. "Well since he couldn't do good with the girls, he moved onto the guys."
Now we play the waiting game for them to show it for us. I so am not waiting for GEE well you know coz we can't use their names. It will take 2 months or longer.
So yeah, Glad to see you updated the blog. Your always so through, between you and Ube, I never miss a thing.
Ube will be proud of me though :) I only missed new people.. but the other people.. I had to go back and forth between my old blogs and stare at clothes going "ooooh hang on who's that..." LOL
Btw.. I'm still missing one.. Ube! What is Craftsboy's name? LOL
SKW I have no idea LOL Poor guy..
Panther.. yes.. I almost fell off my chair going DANGIT.. I mean I KNEW he was goign to make it since it was spoiled every week for the past FOUR weeks (showing him cheer at the finishline of stage 2).. but I wasn't sure how fast he was.. I just knew he was a finalist.
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