I've been pretty lucky here at Rambling Rican. When I first started this blog last year I had no clue I'd have the opportunity to "virtually" meet people who have been part of the show. As others can attest to.. this site has grown by many leaps and bounds. Since then I've been allowed to blog about competitors from past Sasuke's (like Michael Milner (Sasuke 20) and Luci Romberg (Sasuke 21) and David Campbell (Sasuke 22)) and have adored every second of it! I guess I'm what others call a "people watcher". I'm constantly fascinated by how diverse the human race is and adore reading about how people perceive the things that I do .. but in totally different ways.
This time around I got in touch with Brett Sims. Most people know him because of his being one of the very first Americans sent by G4TV to compete in Sasuke. Being new to everything, his journey was a whole lot different than the later ANC competitors. I'm fortunate to have been able to ask a bunch of questions and others sent their questions in as well! I did a Q&A section so for parts of the blog I'll just literally cut and paste what he wrote and then add a few notes here and there.
This time around I got in touch with Brett Sims. Most people know him because of his being one of the very first Americans sent by G4TV to compete in Sasuke. Being new to everything, his journey was a whole lot different than the later ANC competitors. I'm fortunate to have been able to ask a bunch of questions and others sent their questions in as well! I did a Q&A section so for parts of the blog I'll just literally cut and paste what he wrote and then add a few notes here and there.

Ok well I'm Brett Sims, I'm 23 (April 14, 1986) I was born in Greenville SC, and currently live there. I have a brother a year older (Dustin), and a sister two years older (Laney). I went to college for a year before I realized I didn't know what I wanted to do... then I went to a technical college and got an Associates in Art, or something like that, I don't really know, or care. I've mostly worked construction jobs... painting, framing, little bit of roofing, and I currently set tile and have done so for about 2 years I guess. I've also had odd jobs in restaurants, on a golf course, and some others I can't remember. Oh, random fact... I'm a terrible speller, absolutely terrible.
I'm actually currently in two bands, and yes I play drums in both, and do a little bit of back up harmonies. One (Divide the Sea) is a southern metal band, and the other (The Lilies and Sparrows) is folk based rock and roll music. I've been on several tours around the country, mostly with Divide the Sea. We've played from the tip of Florida to Colorado... everywhere but but the Northeast, and the West coast... but we're working on playing there too.
Brett Sims playing the drums ©Brett Sims

I've always been at least fairly athletic, I was never a fat kid or anything like that. I enjoyed handstand from a young age, and always wanted to learn how to back-flip when I was little. I did join a gymnastics class when I was very young and really liked it... but the other kids made fun of me for being small so I quit after probably less than a month. In school I ran cross county, and track from 6th grade up, mostly distance events, except for my last year I did pole vault, and high jump (I could jump over my own head, but I'm only 5'6'' so that's not that much of a feat) Oh I also did marching band from 6th grade up too, and enjoyed it thoroughly (I was a percussionist, I played Marimba, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Tympani... pretty much everything in the front ensemble) And after I graduated I taught indoor percussion and the front ensemble in the marching band.
(RR) I know you were in the very first ANC. Were you a fan of the show before you tried to get on? How you first learned of Ninja Warrior/Sasuke and what made you think of doing an entry video.
(BS) I was a fan the first time I saw ninja warrior, which must have been soon after it started airing over here. I immediately wanted to try the course.
(BS) I was a fan the first time I saw ninja warrior, which must have been soon after it started airing over here. I immediately wanted to try the course.
My friend and band-mate Caleb was the one who told me the contest was happening (he had seen it advertised on TV and told me one day while we were painting a house... and I think it was less than a week before deadline) I was so pumped I called my brother and told him we needed to make a video for Ninja Warrior... so he said ok. We had never attempted a video like that before, I wasn't a free-runner, at the time I just did stuff like that for fun. So, I just did what I though would be entertaining and parallel the course in some way. So with the help of my brother who is in film, we made it in two days time and submitted it the night before the submission period ended.
(RR) How did your experience for ANC change you? Did it?
(BS) 19 was amazing... I had never been to Japan and I loved every minute of the trip. As for Sasuke specifically, I was really nervous throughout the day... I'd get all worked up, then I calm down back and forth all day... and it wore me out.
(RR) Where the heck did you get those shorts? (both of them.. LOL)
(RR) How did your experience for ANC change you? Did it?
(BS) Well, I think everything you do changes you in some way... but sometimes it tough to put a finger on what it is exactly. I'm more fond of the real show in Japan now, and I think it was nice for me to find out that there are other people who are interested in similar hobbies. (for lack of a better word) After meeting him, I feel like I can relate with Nagano, for instance, he's not a free-runner or a rock climber, he works for a living and enjoys staying physically fit, the things he enjoys happen to apply to a crazy game show. So to sum up this question... I feel like I have somehow changed because of my experience, but I'm not sure I'd be doing anything differently if I didn't have this opportunity.
(RR) Feel free to give me a synopsis for both Sasuke 19 and 20. Each seemed like a different experience. The first you had to qualify and the second you were called by G4? How did you find out you were going back to Sasuke 20?(BS) 19 was amazing... I had never been to Japan and I loved every minute of the trip. As for Sasuke specifically, I was really nervous throughout the day... I'd get all worked up, then I calm down back and forth all day... and it wore me out.
20 was even better as a whole. Yes, they called me, and basically said, "hey we're doing another contest... we like what you brought to the show, would you be interested in coming back?" And as for the show, I was a lot more relaxed and just enjoyed what I was doing, and I'm pretty sure I didn't even really get nervous when I was standing on the starting line waiting for the horn.
(RR) Where the heck did you get those shorts? (both of them.. LOL)
I think the first pair I wore was actually a bathing suit(fitting, I know)... I couldn't find American flag shorts anywhere. It was actually Michael Dalton, a friend of mine's idea to wear them. And since I gave the first pair away and I couldn't find any in any stores the second trip, G4 made sure I had some and brought like three different pairs of different kinds and sizes. So, I still have the pair I wore the second trip.
Brett Sims around Tokyo, Japan ©Brett Sims

(RR) Describe your trip to Japan. Have you ever been there before?
(BS) Japan is a world apart in reality and figuratively. I didn't know what to expect having never been there before. But I really did love every minute I was there both times, G4 had an amazing itinerary set up with enough free time in between to explore on our own and try to get lost in the city. I could talk about Japan, the little bit I know about it, for a really long time, but I wouldn't do it justice and unless you go you probably can't quite grasp the idea of the culture and the experience.
(BS) Japan is a world apart in reality and figuratively. I didn't know what to expect having never been there before. But I really did love every minute I was there both times, G4 had an amazing itinerary set up with enough free time in between to explore on our own and try to get lost in the city. I could talk about Japan, the little bit I know about it, for a really long time, but I wouldn't do it justice and unless you go you probably can't quite grasp the idea of the culture and the experience.
(RR) How was your experience at Muscle Park? Was there anything else that wasn't on that video that you would like to share?
(BS) I wish we had a muscle park. What you see in the video is most of the muscle park section, but there are also a bunch of other adult aimed fun games for anyone to try. Oh, the pipe slider there was so hard... it was just the kip up at the end that made it difficult, but it was so hard to not slid back. I think that is maybe not there anymore? I don't know.
(BS) I wish we had a muscle park. What you see in the video is most of the muscle park section, but there are also a bunch of other adult aimed fun games for anyone to try. Oh, the pipe slider there was so hard... it was just the kip up at the end that made it difficult, but it was so hard to not slid back. I think that is maybe not there anymore? I don't know.
(RR) You had the privilege of meeting Bunpei Shiratori 白鳥文平 in his house. Very few people have been there. Can you describe the experience?
(BS) Bunpei was awesome, such a humble guy like all the other Sasuke athletes I met. What he had built really was incredible, I know on TV the scale of things kinda gets lost, but that stuff wasn't just a few 2x4s, it was substantial. And it really was just in his yard, he didn't have a huge field to build in, it was pretty much just in front of his house.
(RR) You managed to meet Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩 and Makoto Nagano 長野誠 the first time you were there. Was the moment as brief as it was shown on TV when you met them at the hotel? Did I read somewhere you were a bit star struck?
(BS) Our meeting was fairly brief in the hotel, and I don't know that starstruck would be the word, but I was anxious to meet him... and I was happy to see that we are about the same size. We did talk the day of the competition too, he even came in our bus and sat down and talked to us about the course. And about how he still gets nervous because he kind of has a high expectation from everyone watching and himself since completing the course.
(RR) For 20 you had dinner with the rest of the All-Stars. How was that experience by comparison to 19?
(BS) It was really fun sitting down with all those guys... I remember seeing Mr Sasuke himself and the first thing he said to me was, "you're a good looking guy" (in Japanese of course). So I didn't really know what to say back, I think I ended up saying, you're not so bad yourself, or something like that. All the guys we're very attentive to us with our questions and they all just enjoyed having a good time drinking and laughing... just normal dudes, who are really good at being ninjas. And, eventually we ended up talking about the cliff hanger and swinging from the big wooden beam above our dinner table, that was a first for me.
(RR) And you managed to meet Mr. Octopus (Minoru Kuramochi 倉持稔). Outside of eating food you didn't like (lol I would have gagged ..) how was the overall experience?
(BS) I actually enjoyed most of the food, I just kinda cheesed it up for laughs... but that whole time was great too. He had all his regulars in there who were mostly drunk and would just say something to us in Japanese and then laugh, so we'd laugh along with them having no idea what they were talking about.
(BS) I actually enjoyed most of the food, I just kinda cheesed it up for laughs... but that whole time was great too. He had all his regulars in there who were mostly drunk and would just say something to us in Japanese and then laugh, so we'd laugh along with them having no idea what they were talking about.
Friendly competition in Mr. Octopus' restaurant
And then of course Mr. Octopus wanted to show off, so in the middle of his restaurant his shirt came off, and he really had the cliff hanger ledge going right through the middle of his restaurant, which he used to challenge me to a pull up contest of sorts.... oh, and for the record, I could have won, I figured it best to bow out after he showed that he could do one more than I did, I just didn't want to be responsible for a 60 year old beloved man falling on his head trying to out do me.(RR) It's a loooooooong day to tape Sasuke. What time did you get there? What did you do during the taping? When did it finally end? (both times since I"m sure the experience was different each time)
(BS) I think we got there about 8:00 in the morning, and did the whole sign in thing. Throughout the day I watch as many competitors as I could, making sure not to miss any of our new friends, and classic characters of the show. And I tired to find that happy balance between being in the sun and relaxing in our bus, and eating a some food but not too much. The real difference was my nerves the first time, and the weather. Hot on 19 and cold on 20. I think they both ended up wrapping up around 3ish in the morning, if I remember correctly.
(RR) Was there a competitor that you liked? (doesn't have to be an All-Star)
(BS) That's tough to say, I did kinda form a friendship with Nagano, on 20 he gave me his autographed number (#100) from Sasuke 19, which really is cool and personal, and probably my favorite thing I brought back from Japan.
(BS) That's tough to say, I did kinda form a friendship with Nagano, on 20 he gave me his autographed number (#100) from Sasuke 19, which really is cool and personal, and probably my favorite thing I brought back from Japan.
(RR) Did you find yourself being remembered the 2nd time around? Did anyone recognize you? Or did you recognize others when you came back?
(BS) The group we had dinner with, the all-stars remembered me. When we walked in, Levi and Brian were introduced, and I came in last and Nagano and Takeda said "Brett" (or maybe it was "Brett-o") with some enthusiasm... that was pretty cool for me.
(BS) The group we had dinner with, the all-stars remembered me. When we walked in, Levi and Brian were introduced, and I came in last and Nagano and Takeda said "Brett" (or maybe it was "Brett-o") with some enthusiasm... that was pretty cool for me.
(RR) Any funny moments? (Feel free to talk about your giving your pants away and flirting with Yuumi :) OH! And my favorite.. (albeit painful) Takeda love tapping your back leaving a hand print behind...
(BS) Yeah, when I was asked by a little Japanese girl if she could have my shorts, that was a bit of a surprise... I didn't really know what to say besides, "ok." She was very bashful in that cute Asian girl way, and kept covering her face and giggling. And if anyone was wondering, no, that was not planed out, it happened pretty much exactly how it looked.
(BS) Yeah, when I was asked by a little Japanese girl if she could have my shorts, that was a bit of a surprise... I didn't really know what to say besides, "ok." She was very bashful in that cute Asian girl way, and kept covering her face and giggling. And if anyone was wondering, no, that was not planed out, it happened pretty much exactly how it looked.
Yuumi, was a good looking girl, and a surfer, so +2 for her. And I was really shootin' for a kiss, so I asked her, and she was totally down, but her manager was standing right beside us and wasn't cool with that, so I settled for a hug from my drenched dream woman.
That back slap was a good one... as you know Nagano gets a nice hard slap on his back to calm his nerves, so I figured, what the heck, I'm nervous and it works for him...
So, Takeda lovingly obliged my request, but failed to remember to put the ever so important towel on my back first. Thus, I was open hand slapped by an all-star, and had the mark to prove it. Yes, it hurt.
So, Takeda lovingly obliged my request, but failed to remember to put the ever so important towel on my back first. Thus, I was open hand slapped by an all-star, and had the mark to prove it. Yes, it hurt.
(RR) Do you have a favorite obstacle? (One you got to or even one someone else did that you wished you could try).
(BS) I do like the jumping spider, and wish I didn't have a screwed up foot when I landed it. I really wanted to do the full sized salmon ladder after trying the one at Bunpei's house and the other one at Muscle Park. And pretty much all of the third stage, I really like the cliff hanger, and some of the newer events near the end now. Favorites; Salmon Ladder and Cliff Hanger.
(BS) I do like the jumping spider, and wish I didn't have a screwed up foot when I landed it. I really wanted to do the full sized salmon ladder after trying the one at Bunpei's house and the other one at Muscle Park. And pretty much all of the third stage, I really like the cliff hanger, and some of the newer events near the end now. Favorites; Salmon Ladder and Cliff Hanger.
(RR) For us All-Star geeks - did you have a favorite All-Star?
(BS) Like I said before I kind of connected with Nagano, so he'd probably be I guess my favorite as a person, more so than a competitor.
(BS) Like I said before I kind of connected with Nagano, so he'd probably be I guess my favorite as a person, more so than a competitor.
(RR) Did you want to meet someone but they were not there or you couldn't meet them?
(BS) Well Bunpei wasn't there the second time, and neither was the Olympic trampolinist Nagasaki, he had to go do the Olympics or something like that. But both of them lent their advice to us, so it would have been nice to see them out there again.
(BS) Well Bunpei wasn't there the second time, and neither was the Olympic trampolinist Nagasaki, he had to go do the Olympics or something like that. But both of them lent their advice to us, so it would have been nice to see them out there again.
(RR) When did you finally get to see yourself on TV. And did you watch it alone? or with friends/family? How was each viewing different?
(BS) I watched everything with people, I didn't really care to watch myself, by myself. The first ANC was the kinda make shift three stages and I watch one of those segments at one of our band shows(divide the sea). Then we played rock music.
For the two, hour long segments, I had some little parties and watched it on a big screen and had family and friends and food... you know a party. Oh, and I was nervous when I knew I was about to fail the stage each time as everyone watched.(BS) I watched everything with people, I didn't really care to watch myself, by myself. The first ANC was the kinda make shift three stages and I watch one of those segments at one of our band shows(divide the sea). Then we played rock music.
Sasuke 19 Run
(RR) Last but certainly not least - I plan to use the video from G4 of you on the course - could you maybe do a summation of what you were thinking when you did each obstacle? (Each tournament).
(BS) Well I could say what I was thinking, but I don't remember thinking. It's funny, when you have pressure, and you're doing something you've never attempted, you just go and you do what feels right as each thing comes and hope for the best.
(BS) Well I could say what I was thinking, but I don't remember thinking. It's funny, when you have pressure, and you're doing something you've never attempted, you just go and you do what feels right as each thing comes and hope for the best.
Now, I will say the second attempt at the course, I stayed focused on the first event and you can see when I land after the steps, I look over and kinda shake my head, that was because my foot was killing me. And when I rode the log down I looked over at Brian and Levi and "oh, yeah." (I think maybe you can hear that in the video if you listen for it) And I did stop for a brief amount of time and think about getting good jump the second time at the jumping spider. When I landed in the Spider, that was the worst my foot hurt, and you can see my shake it a little, and I slowly and uncomfortably made it through that. Then, I kind of didn't think again, until I got to the warped wall, and I was thinking, this wall is slick and dirty and my foot is stupid for being hurt. They actually cleaned the wall off after a gymnast from some other country complained about the same thing soon after my run.
Fan questions:
(From Sasuke Maniacs Forums)
Alex, 17, NJ - Did you feel a difference between 19's Jumping Spider and 20's? (Disregarding the training) Looks like soritatsukabe got you in 20 (sorry!). But if you can pass it next time around, where do you see yourself failing/ending up?
(BS) I felt that the distance from the height of the trampoline, and the bottom of the walls was maybe a little bit shorter, but that could have just been in my head.
I feel like I have the ability to make it to the cliff hanger, if I could have a decent run, and I honestly think I could get past that too, but it's tough to say exactly how tired I would be at that point after the few third stage events before and whole day of Sasuke.
(BS) I felt that the distance from the height of the trampoline, and the bottom of the walls was maybe a little bit shorter, but that could have just been in my head.
I feel like I have the ability to make it to the cliff hanger, if I could have a decent run, and I honestly think I could get past that too, but it's tough to say exactly how tired I would be at that point after the few third stage events before and whole day of Sasuke.
Griffin, 18, WA - Brett, How did you get your footage with the bear for ANC 4? Did you stay in contact with Colin Bell after 2007?
(BS)The bear footage was actually shot at a zoo near where I live, and I really was in the cage with the bear for some of those shots.
I haven't kept in tough with Colin, I'm not sure what he's doing, probably rock climbing something ridiculous.
Brett Sims ©Brett Sims
(BS)The bear footage was actually shot at a zoo near where I live, and I really was in the cage with the bear for some of those shots.
I haven't kept in tough with Colin, I'm not sure what he's doing, probably rock climbing something ridiculous.

RC - Do you see yourself ever competing again? Who was your favorite competitor to watch?
(BS) I think I'll keep on trying to get back in to give it another go, but there is a lot of talent, and a lot more people training for it now than when it started.
(BS) I think I'll keep on trying to get back in to give it another go, but there is a lot of talent, and a lot more people training for it now than when it started.

Roberto, 26, Long Island - Brett, if you hadn't injured your foot prior to the 20th competition, how much further do you think you could've gone? Even if you have to re-audition (via G4's challenges), would you want to come back to compete in SASUKE again?
(BS) I'm not sure where I would have made it... I'd like to think I could have made it at least to the cliff hanger, but you never know when something stupid will count you out... I mean look at Nagano... he still fails on the first stage once in a while.
And I think I'll keep on trying to get back in to Sasuke at least a few more times... but nothing's for sure.
Brett Sims ©Brett Sims

Richard, 21, Texas - What sort of training have you been doing since your last run on Sasuke and what, if any, sort of Sasuke-specific training have you done? Just curious to know what people do for Sasuke and training in general as it could give me some ideas for potential routines and things to try out. Do you also plan to don those patriotic US flag shorts in potential future runs in Sasuke?
(BS) I really don't have a ton a time for training, I do a fair amount of pull-ups, and handstand push-ups. But when I do have time I usually do some free-running, and I do it because I enjoy not usually specifically for training, it just happens to work out that it helps with ninja stuff.
I think I have to wear those shorts, I mean how could I not?
John, 13, Georgia - Were you surprised when you fell off the Jumping Spider in 19? Was it harder than it looked? Do you have any replicas of Sasuke obstacles?
(BS) I was a bit surprised when I fell in, it all happens pretty quickly when it happens. I think it is harder than the average person thinks, but it was about what I had come to expect of it.
And no, I don't have any replicas, I wish I did, but I don't have the space or the money for it.AJ, 21, UK - Maybe a bit of an odd question... Being an all-day event, what do you eat (or plan on eating) throughout the competition?
(BS) I just drank a lot of beer mostly... but really I didn't really plan much... probably a poor decision... but I ate some lighter healthy snacks fruits, granola, vitamin enriched food and drinks nothing that would sit heavy on my stomach.
(BS) I just drank a lot of beer mostly... but really I didn't really plan much... probably a poor decision... but I ate some lighter healthy snacks fruits, granola, vitamin enriched food and drinks nothing that would sit heavy on my stomach.
Gavin, 14, Ireland - When you were sent to Japan to cheer on Colin did you suspect you would be running the course.
(BS) I honestly didn't... I should have seen it coming but they had me fooled that I was an alternate.
(BS) I honestly didn't... I should have seen it coming but they had me fooled that I was an alternate.

(Sorry if this one is a bit long) Collin, 16, Maryland - How did it feel competing in 19 which had been what's still considered to be the hardest course? and how did the outcome so far make you feel before you ran? And how did it feel competing in Sasuke 20 by comparison?
(BS) I didn't even think about it being the hardest course to date during the contest, I had though about that before hand, but I just didn't think about it when I was out there. I was pretty nervous during 19 and even though I went down fairly quickly, I still enjoyed the challenge.
(BS) I didn't even think about it being the hardest course to date during the contest, I had though about that before hand, but I just didn't think about it when I was out there. I was pretty nervous during 19 and even though I went down fairly quickly, I still enjoyed the challenge.
In 20 I felt more relaxed and comfortable mentally just less comfortable physically because of my foot injury.
Colin, 14, City of Brotherly Love - If you got another chance at SASUKE how far would you do you think you'd get? Also if you had another chance at Sasuke 19s course, as you are right now, how do you think you would do?
(BS) I think I could potentially make it to the cliff hanger in either case, and maybe past that too. But I've said it before, even Nagano fails on the first stage form time to time.
(BS) I think I could potentially make it to the cliff hanger in either case, and maybe past that too. But I've said it before, even Nagano fails on the first stage form time to time.

Chris C, 23, Colorado Springs, CO - Brett, did you ever experience many fans recognizing who you were after Ninja Warrior aired your run? Any funny stories with that?
(BS) I've had a few strangers in the streets recognize me, which was pretty cool, it usually goes like, "aren't you that guy?" Once I was at a music festival in Illinois with my band, and I was watching another band, and a guy came out of nowhere stood directly in front of me a little too close, and just said, "Brett" then after that awkward moment of me being confused he explained why he knew my name so that to me was a pretty funny one.
(BS) I've had a few strangers in the streets recognize me, which was pretty cool, it usually goes like, "aren't you that guy?" Once I was at a music festival in Illinois with my band, and I was watching another band, and a guy came out of nowhere stood directly in front of me a little too close, and just said, "Brett" then after that awkward moment of me being confused he explained why he knew my name so that to me was a pretty funny one.
Cody, 15, Clemson, SC - Hi Brett, what kinda places did you train at before entering ANC, any specific places here in the upstate? Were you building obstacles like many in your backyard etc.? Was there a noticeable difference with many of the obstacles between 19-20. Like when you reached the Log Grip each time, did it feel different in any sort of way. What about the Pole Maze and Jumping Spider? What does it feel like watching and waiting for your turn at the course all day, is it nerve racking? exciting? how do you pass the time? Thank You for taking the time to answer these!
(BS) I mostly "trained" in my downtown, but I really have not had any sort of training regiment that I stick too, I just do what I feel like doing which happens to be relevant to Ninja Warrior.
I haven't built any replicas for the course, mostly because of the size and the cost of things.
Everything felt pretty similar to me on both runs, but it's kinda hard to say since I was just on the course momentarily and both times were 6 months apart.
I haven't built any replicas for the course, mostly because of the size and the cost of things.
Everything felt pretty similar to me on both runs, but it's kinda hard to say since I was just on the course momentarily and both times were 6 months apart.

Sasuke Parking lot - Sasuke 20
There's not much to do to pass the time, we talk watch people run the course, and sometimes make makeshift obstacles in the parking lot to play on... like some of the all stars did in 20.
G4 boards:
David Campbell - What was up with your ankle in Sasuke 20? How long before the tournament did you injure it and how long did it take to heal? Do you feel like you could have gotten over the wall if your ankle was good?
(BS) I talked to you a little about this, but I tore a ligament about a week prior to going out to Japan. It actually happened in the first time I went back to a real gymnastics gym since I was like 7.
I really would like to think I would have easily cleared the wall with a strong ankle, but the wall was kinda dirty/dusty too, and that certainly didn't help.
(BS) I talked to you a little about this, but I tore a ligament about a week prior to going out to Japan. It actually happened in the first time I went back to a real gymnastics gym since I was like 7.
I really would like to think I would have easily cleared the wall with a strong ankle, but the wall was kinda dirty/dusty too, and that certainly didn't help.
pker - Do you still have your American flag shorts?
(BS) I have one pair, but I did give that first ones away to that Japanese girl.

kekerules - Are you still in touch with the other American ninjas you met? How come Colin didn't return with you in sasuke 20?
(BS) I talk with Brian and Levi from time to time, but I don't keep up with Colin, I'm not sure what he's up to.
(BS) I talk with Brian and Levi from time to time, but I don't keep up with Colin, I'm not sure what he's up to.
TheAmazingOti - Yes, this is a serious question: Whatever happened between you and the girls that took your shorts? Did you get a penpal(s) (or more) out of it?
(BS) I didn't get anything other than the story.
jfeathe - Were you able to explore the grounds/set much? If you did, was there anything that a viewer at home wouldn't know about such?
(BS) I did check stuff out pretty closely but, I'm not sure anything else was revealed in doing so... but most of the big events like the warped wall are much bigger than they seem on TV... the final stage tower at the end is huge.
(BS) I did check stuff out pretty closely but, I'm not sure anything else was revealed in doing so... but most of the big events like the warped wall are much bigger than they seem on TV... the final stage tower at the end is huge.

BaronBk (Brian) - What does the word "butter" mean to you?
(BS) Butter is my life.
Rambling Rican website
Tom - a) Hey Brett what was the hardest obstacle for you personally? b) Are you hoping to return any time soon?
(BS) I guess the stupid jumping spider, I can't really judge the rest having not done it, but I think the cliff hanger would be my biggest challenge.
Brett Sims ©Brett Sims
(BS) I guess the stupid jumping spider, I can't really judge the rest having not done it, but I think the cliff hanger would be my biggest challenge.

Steve 2.0 - A) Describe your daily ritual when it comes to training. How much is muscular endurance based, and how much is strength based.
B) What's your diet like?
(BS) A. I don't have much of a training ritual, I just do what I feel like doing, whether it be free-running, or pull-ups and handstands... I do stay fairly active throughout the day most days, just doing like 20 pull-ups here and there, and a few handstand push-ups when I get the urge. And I'll go for a run once in a while, but nothing intense and super strict as far as a real regiment goes.
B. I eat semi-healthy, I'll still eat a fair amount of crap too, but I don't usually eat high sugar foods, I just don't like a lot of sugar. I aim for fruit juices, milk, and water, but still drink soft drinks, and I try to eat foods with higher protein, that's about it. But when I tour with the band, usually most of the Summer, I tend to eat a lot of fast food and terrible food like that.
B) What's your diet like?
(BS) A. I don't have much of a training ritual, I just do what I feel like doing, whether it be free-running, or pull-ups and handstands... I do stay fairly active throughout the day most days, just doing like 20 pull-ups here and there, and a few handstand push-ups when I get the urge. And I'll go for a run once in a while, but nothing intense and super strict as far as a real regiment goes.
B. I eat semi-healthy, I'll still eat a fair amount of crap too, but I don't usually eat high sugar foods, I just don't like a lot of sugar. I aim for fruit juices, milk, and water, but still drink soft drinks, and I try to eat foods with higher protein, that's about it. But when I tour with the band, usually most of the Summer, I tend to eat a lot of fast food and terrible food like that.
Also I don't think I said anywhere that both Levi and Brian were really awesome guys, and I was happy I got to go with them the second time around... I don't think that really would apply anywhere... but there I said.
I wish I had a few more pictures from Sasuke too, but at the time I was thinking, 'well, I'm being filmed pretty much the whole time so I don't really need to take pictures'... so that's how it goes.
A gazillion thanks to Brett for a great interview! I had a ball reading the responses and how he wrote them back :) I can almost hear his voice from the interviews.. totally deadpan and with a smirk on his face :D Appreciate the time you took to answer all the questions and being so open about the experience!
A gazillion thanks to Brett for a great interview! I had a ball reading the responses and how he wrote them back :) I can almost hear his voice from the interviews.. totally deadpan and with a smirk on his face :D Appreciate the time you took to answer all the questions and being so open about the experience!
Brilliantly compiled. Love all the little stories with the pictures :D
Too awesome. Thanks RR for compiling this and Brett for his sense of humor and honesty!!
Aww thanks guys :) I have to go back and fix some typos but I really did enjoy doing this! Love his sense of humor in everything.
aawww :) my questions made it in. I'm getting that interstellar connection with people seen on tv. I'm in love with your blogs arsenette, I'm glad I sent in questions.
Great interview Elsie!
Awesome interview! I'm so glad you're getting to do stuff like this.
Diary of an Eccentric
Thanks :) Yep he's a real nice guy to email back and forth :D Just love how the personality comes out in his answers :D
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